Back from beautiful Cape Cod..
I am happy to say that I completed the Cape Cod Marathon with a personal best time!(7 minutes off of the Boston Marathon qualifying time) I was really nervous about the whole thing because the weather out there was awful and cold the first two days. It even decided to snow on Saturday night, which made me think that I was pretty much crazy for signing up for this. On Sunday, the clouds parted and gave way to a wonderfully sunny and pleasant day in the lower 60's. I really got lucky. It really made the run so much more enjoyable, that is, until mile 19 or so when my thighs and calves started to cramp up! I went out a little fast, but I felt good, so I wanted to roll with it! The course was quite pretty too. The race was centered in Falmouth, just at the start of the Cape. I had visions of the town being too built up and too crowded as we had seen the previous time we had been out there, during the Democratic National Convention, when everyone fled Boston and headed to Cape Cod. There are definitely built up and not-so-quaint areas, but once you get off the main drag and into the historical town area, it is really cute. The course started in the town square and went towards the water, then cut back through to the more residential Falmouth Heights area, around some cranberry bogs(sans cranberries) and back around a point near the water and a lighthouse. The last stretch was again along a beach. At this point with 2 miles left, I had a hard time enjoying the view, but it was breathtaking now that I think back on it. After having such an enjoyable weekend, T and I wonder what it might be like to live out there....
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