It is great to be back.
I love Seattle.
I love the smell of the salt air and seeing the mountains in the distance, capped with snow.
The city is small, so it is easy to escape, and this is one thing that makes this area so appealing.
The San Juans are a special treat and for me, heading there last weekend was my introduction back into the Seattle area and also a last hoorah in a sense, as it would be the closure of my 6 month long work-free vacation.
Taking the ferry through the glassy sound as it cut through the water and the green islands dotted with beachside houses, the seagulls circling high above, my lungs filled with the cool salty fresh air. I love that part. That breath of fresh air. I love too, when you arrive on Orcas, or on any island in the sound, you enter a different time zone:
island time.
As if with a push of a button, you relax. Must be something they put in the air there. Something that I wish I had a little bottle of, always.
As I re-immerse myself back into the daily work-life routine, back into life as I once knew it, I will always think fondly of my time on Orcas with friends, my travels in Europe, with T… my time in Mexico with Dad… time with family, whether on the Oregon Coast, or at home in PV, and I will continue to feel so thankful to have had these opportunities, these experiences.
But, for now, I must put in some more time with my yeasted potato breads, my gianduja frostings, my puff pastry, my pistachio Gelato…
Ah, these things I love.
It is great to be back.
finally...i've been missing you. need my daily dose you know.
yes, life is not nearly as exciting as traveling...but, I will try to keep up the doses!
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