I admit, sometimes T is asked by folks what kind of elaborate dinners I prepare for him, given that I am a chef of sorts, and soon, I will be his Wife, and all. Lately, and actually, a lot of the time, I am finished cooking/baking for the day when I leave work, so the last thing that I want to do when I get home, is get cooking in the kitchen. This is a bit of a drawback of my work, because I really do love to cook, I just find that time is limited after work, to squeeze in my myriad of other interests, which these days is mostly consumed by all things WEDDING.
Last night, for the first time, I think my eyes and brain were going to pop forth. I sat looking at my computer for hours, trying to get the dinner seating chart just so, and all of a sudden, the computer screen started flickering and moving from side to side, ever so slightly. Scary thing, the computer is and was fine; it was my eyes that were having the problem. Hmm, a good stopping point perhaps??
Now that we are settled, I look forward to using all of our wonderful All Clad, our new and sharp knives, our silverware, wine decanters, glasses and plates. (and that ice cream maker!) For now though, while the wedding date grows nearer, and the ‘to do’ list is still ever so present, here is a little sample of what my so called “elaborate” dinners consist of…
A Nice Cold One, Smoked Turkey Slices on Whole Wheat Cider Bread, with Grainy Mustard and Trader Joe's Canned Marinated Bean Salad

Dig In!!!

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